Previously Published in The Messenger
The Messenger takes great pride in the fact that we were the first outlet to investigate residency claims by ex-CNN anchor John Avlon (D-Gramercy Park) in his bid to unseat freshman Congressman Nick LaLota (R, NY-01). In April, we ran our exclusive report on tax abatements that Avlon’s NYC co-op owner receives based on Avlon’s residence in the unit being his primary. Claims that Avlon had deep ties to his Sag Harbor home didn’t quite add up given his years-long attachments to New York City to perform jobs that required in-person work.
The New York Post and The Washington Free Beacon have now joined the chorus organized by The Messenger revealing tax documents and requesting answers. So far, Avlon has not responded to our request for comment regarding these outlets reporting what The Messenger broke in the spring.
Nevertheless, The Post gave us credit for being the early bird, something we greatly appreciate as it reinforces the importance of local journalism.
Regardless of his residency concerns, we find it unfortunately appropriate that a wealthy Manhattanite is using his summer home in the ritziest part of Suffolk County in an attempt to represent a unique county with diverse populations and interests. As if a Southampton elitist was any match for a predominantly working-class county, it only adds insult to injury that Avlon is trying to carpetbag his way to Washington.
It’s also worth reiterating that in a Vanity Fair interview earlier this year, Avlon said he had made his Sag Harbor home his residence in February and that his wife and children would join him later in the year, presumably after the completion of the school year.
Avlon might be rich, but what’s richer is his total abandonment of his family in a city facing massive safety concerns to desperately try to build cred in an area of Long Island that is overwhelmingly unrepresentative of the population base.
We’ve seen this before and frankly, we’re not interested.
Avlon needs to settle these claims and address the press in a dignified manner. It clearly didn’t matter to him that we were investigating him. Perhaps now that other outlets have come to the same conclusion, he might give it a second thought.