University Wokesters Ban Word “Field” for Being Racist

Just when we thought we heard it all from the woke lunatics, we find out that one of the nation’s largest universities, the University of Southern California, is banning the word “field” because it has racial connotations.

We are not making this up. A word that has existed for over 1,000 years in the English vocabulary is now being banned because, at one point, slaves worked out in the fields. 

The letter from the university’s Department of Social Work stated in part:

This change supports anti-racist social work practice by replacing language that would be considered anti-Black or anti-immigrant in favor of inclusive language. Language can be powerful, and phrases such as “going into the field” or “field work” may have connotations for descendants of slavery and immigrant workers that are not benign,

They also lived in houses. Should we ban that word? They used tools? Should that be banned?  This is lunacy to a new degree. The scary part is that it is now becoming mainstream.

This kind of stupidity is frightening, especially from those thought to be our nation’s brightest. We waste our time on this nonsense …. and China laughs.

It is important that we all resist and refuse to change the meaning of our words simply because some crazy leftist demands it.  Orwell noted that they want to get you to change your words so  they can change what you think. And then, they can tell you what to do.