The Left’s Lying Efforts to Scare Us on Covid and Climate Is All about Maximizing Their Power

By Steve Levy

If we started listing all the lies that have been perpetrated by the radical left and their allies in the media over issues such as the Covid pandemic and climate change, we would soon run dry of ink.

What’s essential to understand is that these lies are designed to terrify the public into ceding power to the government that they otherwise would never otherwise allow.

If you would’ve asked average Americans in 2019 if they would tolerate giving a governor the ability to shut down their churches and synagogues, while banning folks from being with their dying parents, they would’ve told you: “Not in America.” 

If we had told you back then that schools were going to be closed down, even though a new virus would pose less risk to the children than the common flu, they would have been incredulous.

But when the pandemic hit, big spenders in government heard just one sound:


Leftists saw this as a golden opportunity to have the federal government redistribute trillions of dollars to state and local governments and their political allies in the not-for-profit sector.

Under the guise of providing money to protect our children and the general population, progressives in Washington stuffed trillions of dollars of programs that had little to nothing to do with the pandemic or protecting lives.

If we had told you in 2019 that we would look the other way as governors and secretaries of state violated the constitutional requirement of seeking legislative approval before enacting sweeping changes to election law just months before an election —  including the evisceration of verifying signatures and the mass mailing of ballots, even when they’re not requested — you would probably say that this is nothing less than an assault on democracy.

But under the guise of protecting Grandma from contracting the virus at the polling booth, we Americans allowed it to happen.

Take a look at the details of the $1.9 trillion COVID protection act passed in the early days of the Biden administration, as well as the $500 billion so-called Inflation Reduction Act (that actually increased inflation), and the 2022 omnibus bill costing $1.7 trillion, and you will find billions of dollars funneled to the not-for-profit cottage industries to promote social justice Critical Race Theory and gender-related programs, voter turnout programs, and the granting of billions more to local governments to dole out as they pleased. 

This type of irresponsible spending would not easily pass muster in ordinary times. But when people are terrified into thinking the world is going to end and immediate emergency funding must be rushed through to save our planet and our children, almost anything goes. 

Thus, it is important that we remain skeptical of “the sky is falling” scare tactics used by these zealots. Don’t dismiss their claims out of hand. There may indeed be some underlying truth in their statements, but don’t just accept their pronouncements at face value. Keep in mind that there are major financial incentives for these groups to exaggerate, or even fabricate, because there is so much money on the line for them. Seek out both sides of the issue and base conclusions on facts, not emotions.