The Good and Bad of the Orthodox Jewish Bloc Voting Republican

Republican gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin worked extremely hard, courting the Orthodox Jewish vote in New York. He was successful.

The community is known to often vote as a bloc to increase its political clout. While the Jewish demographic has traditionally voted overwhelmingly Democrat, the more conservative orthodox community has taken a more independent stand. 

We have often believed that Jewish and Asian communities in particular would more likely vote Republican, were it not for the now-expired theory of the left being more tolerant. Both communities have a large share of their population operating businesses, which do better via less regulation. And both are also excelling in academics, but have been seeing many within their communities denied access to some learning institutions, as diversity and equity programs have favored those scoring lower on exams.

But the Orthodox community centers its support primarily on one issue: the freedom to teach as they wish in their religious schools.

While private religious schools have been an institution in American life, and have provided a wonderful service to their students, they have, nevertheless, been required to teach the basics listed within the curriculum approved by the New York State Regents.

Many leaders in the Orthodox community have balked at following this requirement.

The Republican Party should welcome the shift of the Jewish vote toward their column, but should not in the process trade away the need for all religious schools to teach the requirements set forth in the state curriculum.