Baxter Beach in Port Washington was the recipient of $7.7 million from the state to repair its eroded shoreline. The erosion and loss of shoreline has led to substantial flooding, endangering communities and affecting plant and marine life.
The vanishing shoreline at Baxter Beach not only has significant impacts on plant and marine life, habitat and beach loss, but substantial flooding can immobilize tens of thousands of residents. During heavy rainfall and flooding events, residents are often trapped due to flooding on Shore Road.
“Long Islanders understand how quickly a rainy day can turn into flooded neighborhoods,” Governor Kathy Hochul said. “This funding will help Port Washington make critical infrastructure improvements and build a resilient community that can withstand the increased frequency of extreme weather events.”
The money will be used to mitigate coastal erosion and flooding and improve pedestrian connectivity. The proposed construction includes a porous asphalt walk, a rock sill, gabion wall repair, and tidal planting to prevent flooding and erosion. Elevated overlook walkways, upper-shoreline landscaping, benches, bus shelter, and energy-efficient lighting will also be built to improve the shoreline for all residents. The project will not only protect Port Washington residents, but will also attract new visitors and support the local business district. Funding is provided from existing state capital funding sources.
“As climate change and sea level rise increase threats to our coastal communities, Governor Hochul’s investments in shoreline restoration are providing direct support to improve coastal resilience on Long Island. DEC’s coastal and water quality experts will continue working with the many partners supporting these important efforts to advance strategies that protect our coastal environments and communities in the region,” New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Interim Commissioner Sean Mahar said.
Baxter Estates Mayor Nora Haagenson said, “This generous grant from the governor will help us with the restoration of our Baxter Estates Beach. We are so pleased and proud that the Governor recognizes the importance of maintaining the resiliency of the waterfront along Manhasset Bay and its natural habitat for fish and waterfowl.”
Assemblymember Gina Sillitti (D-Port Washington) said, “Since taking office, one of my highest priorities has been working tirelessly with Mayor Nora Haagenson to secure the desperately needed funding for the repair and restoration of the Baxter Beach shoreline. This funding will not only revitalize the shoreline and rehabilitate Manhasset Bay but also protect Shore Road from the relentless flooding and erosion that has too often left our residents stranded and vulnerable.”