Even Third-World Nations Don’t Tolerate U.S. Progressives’ Nonsense on Crime

As I was watching a telecast of swarms of organized looters advance upon a Nordstrom and a jewelry store and walk away with bags full of merchandise, a friend lamented how we are devolving into a Third World country, thanks to the Progressives taking control of our inner cities.

My quick response shook my friend. No, this is not Third World stuff. For I can’t think of any other country in the world — even the poorest on the planet — where thieves could feel so emboldened that they could just cavalierly stroll into a store with a hammer, break the glass encasement in broad daylight, stuff the products in their bags and expect to walk away untouched. No, this stuff is beyond the Third World. This is uncharted territory. This is the beginning of the end of civilization as we’ve known it for many a millennium.

The “defund the police” mentality is the mantra of people who hate America, who ultimately want our experiment in democracy to be burned to the ground in order to rebuild it in a form of their own utopia. It is a dogma that pretends to be fighting racism, when it actually winds up victimizing mostly people of color.

What’s most amazing is that this fringe lunacy has now been adopted by America’s largest political party. Our vice president started an Internet funding platform to help bail out rioters.  The entire Democratic Convention had four days of pageantry and policy statements without ever even mentioning the rioting and burning of our cities throughout the nation.

America-hating billionaire George Soros has been funneling money to elect Democrat-Socialist district attorneys around the country, propping up lamebrains such as recently recalled San Francisco’s Chesa Boudin, the son of Weather Underground terrorists who has sent the message that hoodlums will not be prosecuted. And then there’s the Progressive district attorney in Wisconsin who felt unchecked bail reform was worth it, even though he acknowledged that it would lead to the type of deaths that resulted from a madman he set free who mowed down nine people in a racist rage at a Wichaushu parade. There’ll be a backlash, come the midterms on the federal level, but will there be any change in the inner cities, where one-party rule has made this chaos the new normal?