By Mark Vogl
Is the damage done to the United States of America by one of its longest-serving elected officials so broad, so deep, and so strategic that we may be incapable of recovery before China and its new axis move in concert to destroy us?
To begin any analysis of the Biden legacy, one must start with this question: Who most benefited from the major Biden policy initiatives, the American people or foreign nations with adversarial motives? For example, did the reckless creation of trillions of dollars of debt help weaken the U.S. across the globe and place the U.S. dollar at risk?
The illegal immigrant invasion of this nation was declared acceptable by Joe Biden on January 20, 2021, when he revoked Trump’s executive orders that had established firm control at our national borders. Was this policy part of a larger Chinese plan to wreck America as a nation? How could Joe Biden, his administration and the Deep State allow open, unguarded borders that facilitated an influx of ten million or more people and an avalanche of deadly drugs that has killed 100,000 Americans per year?
How could this significant national security threat be acceptable?
Personal actions by Joseph Biden, in the last twelve years in office, appear criminal in nature. So far, revealed evidence indicates that the Biden family was organized as a syndicate to sell influence at the highest levels of the U.S. government to foreign nations, including China and Ukraine. It appears that his son Hunter was a principal agent and front man who used his access to his father as a means to offer his services to both nations and business interests.
Were Biden’s criminal activities known by the Obama administration? Was his treason accepted or tolerated as an element of the Obama transformation agenda?
And were Biden’s personal actions for gain in Ukraine so bad that U.S. support for Ukraine’s war effort is necessary to mask those actions today? Is America pursuing aggressive military actions on the world stage to instigate direct conflict between Russia and the United States which could lead to World War III?
And was Biden’s soul sold to China in the four years before he was chosen for Vice President? Did the money his foundation received indirectly from China through an American university part of the purchase of his soul? Did he allow the flight of a Chinese reconnaissance balloon over the United States as a part of that bargain?
Was the immoral character of his soul revealed when he romantically joined with Jill while his first wife lay dying?
Of all the hurt he brought to America, the single most serious one was his ability to shred the American people’s faith in themselves, their government and God.
He practiced open hypocrisy to his Catholic faith, ignoring the sanctity of life to embrace wholeheartedly the killing of the unborn. He accepted and embraced homosexuality and other perversions by choosing important government officials who proudly assert their sinful lifestyles. These perversions of life were paraded for the youth of our nation to witness. The more outrageous the activity and lifestyle, the bolder Biden’s actions.
Joe Biden, his administration, the Democrat Party and the mainstream media have done all they could to move the American people away from the Bible and Christianity. Moral chaos has been their object. Transgender rights has been the most recent concept to infect America’s schools. The Department of Education has been an agent of this perversion.
And, I would assert that the debate in the future about the Biden legacy will be about whether the disastrous policies he pursued were done because of his intellectual failures and political reliance on the extreme Left, they were motivated by personal greed, or they were part of the Obama transformation agenda to eliminate American exceptionalism and redistribute U.S. wealth around the world.
In the present, will the American people see for themselves the necessity to completely abandon the Democrat Party and create a second major political party clean of lawfare, foreign influence, and perversion anchored in secular humanism and libertarianism?