Now, They Want to Ban Your Gas Stove

They’ve backed off because of a groundswell of public opposition, but the climate change zealots who control the Biden administration were seriously considering banning all of us from buying a gas stove in the future.

They just can’t help themselves from trying to impose their will on every facet of our lives.

Do they think that solar or wind power is going to provide the juice necessary for our stoves? Don’t they realize that it takes the burning of fossil fuels to generate the electricity that they are claiming will be a substitute for fossil fuels?

There are sensible ways to deal with the climate change problem. This is not one of them. It sounds crazy, but we shouldn’t be surprised that when we elect crazy people, we get crazy policies. And if the so-called moderates that we elect will not stand up to the crazies, then it’s time to think of a new path forward.