Legislator Drucker Supports Girls on the Run’s Annual 5K Celebration

Office of Legislator Arnold W. Drucker

Nassau County Legislator Arnold W. Drucker (D – Plainview) joined the participants, supporters, and parents of Girls on the Run Long Island’s latest season at Eisenhower Park on December 3 for their annual 5K celebration.

Girls on the Run Long Island’s mission is focused on teaching participants critical life skills through research-based programs. Meeting in small teams, trained volunteer coaches inspire girls of all abilities to strengthen confidence and other important life skills through dynamic, interactive lessons and physical activity. Each season concludes with a celebratory 5K — an event that is designed to give participants of all abilities a tangible sense of accomplishment.

“This 5K run is a perfect capstone to a season of Girls on the Run programming that instills a sense of confidence through accomplishment in our next generation of leaders,” Legislator Drucker said. “It was truly an honor to support and cheer on these young women, whose strength and determination are an inspiration to all of us.”