Giangregorio Presents Check to Seaford Historical Society for New Roof

(Photo: Office of Nassau County Legislator Michael Giangregorio) Nassau County Legislator Michael Giangregorio (fourth from left) presents a check to the Seaford Historical Society in the amount of $50,000 on March 14.

Nassau County Legislator Michael Giangregorio presented $50,000 in funding to the Seaford Historical Society during a special meeting on March 14. This financial boost, sourced from Nassau County’s Hotel/Motel funds designated for education, tourism, and local history promotion, is earmarked for the vital restoration of the Seaford Historical Museum’s roof.

“I was pleased to join members of the Seaford Historical Society to present them with a $50,000 grant check to replace the roof of the Seaford Historical Museum,” Giangregorio said. “The Seaford Historical Society plays a pivotal role in educating our community and students on the Town’s maritime and farming history, I am grateful to be playing a small role in assisting the Historical Society in replacing the roof so that they can continue with their mission of keeping Seaford’s history alive.”