U.S. Transportation Dept. Awards $24.12M to Downtown Riverhead

The Town of Riverhead has been awarded  $24.12 million in federal transportation funding to further the economic redevelopment of downtown Riverhead. 

The RAISE (Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity) Discretionary  Grant program provides funding for investments in surface transportation infrastructure that will  have a significant local or regional impact. These grants are authorized under the Local and Regional Assistance Program in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

RAISE funds will allow the reclamation of the downtown riverfront for three transportation projects. The largest portion of the federal grant award will help fund a new parking garage to shift  parking from the riverfront. In addition, $4.8 million will be allocated for flood protection and  $4.6 million for streetscapes. 

Supervisor Tim Hubbard said, “I am beyond excited that Downtown Riverhead was awarded federal  RAISE funding in a highly competitive selection process. I am grateful that the application  prepared by the Community Development team was so well received by the federal Department  of Transportation after being strongly supported by our entire Congressional delegation. On behalf of the entire Riverhead Town Board, and more importantly every  Riverhead resident, I want to thank Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senator Kirsten  Gillibrand and Congressman Nick LaLota for their diligent advocacy and support of Riverhead’s  application to the federal Department of Transportation. It is bipartisan efforts such as this that  prove that government on all levels can come together for the betterment of residents regardless of political party. In that regard, Hubbard added, “New York State and Suffolk County have  also been valuable funding partners in Riverhead’s recent downtown revitalization  advancement.” 

“Today, thanks to our Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, I am proud to deliver a highly competitive  $24.12 million U.S. Department of Transportation RAISE grant — to Riverhead to reimagine and  revitalize its downtown. This transformational infusion of federal funding will allow Riverhead  Town to reclaim the Peconic riverfront for public enjoyment; install necessary flood mitigation  measures; spur mixed-use development; and make downtown safer and more accessible for  pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists alike. I have been glad to work with Riverhead leaders to  secure funding for these improvements because I know they will supercharge Riverhead’s  renaissance, and I will continue working with leaders across Nassau and Suffolk to ensure that Long Island remains a great place to live, work and raise a family,” said U.S. Senate Majority  Leader Chuck Schumer. 

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand said, “Today, I am thrilled to announce that the Town of Riverhead  will receive a $24 million grant from the Department of Transportation’s RAISE program. This  grant funding will revolutionize Riverhead’s downtown by funding projects to relocate parking away from the Peconic River, allowing the town to reimagine its waterfront; implement flood  mitigation measures and enhance connectivity throughout the community. I am proud to have  fought for this transformative project and eagerly anticipate its completion.” 

Congressman Nick LaLota (R-Hauppauge) said, “I’m thrilled to see the Town of Riverhead being awarded  $24.12M in federal RAISE funding. I was proud to support the transportation project outlined in  the successful funding application, specifically the parking garage and the plan for  implementation of Complete Streets throughout the main thoroughfares of Downtown  Riverhead, which will transform Riverhead into a vibrant economic development hub on eastern  Long Island. I will continue to fight to return to Riverhead its fair share of federal funding and  support the efforts of the Riverhead Town Board as our mutual downtown redevelopment goals  increasingly become realized. The real winners will be the residents of Riverhead and all of  Suffolk County.” 

Dawn Thomas, Department of Economic Development, Planning and Building Director, said the Community Development Division has sought the federal DOT funding since 2020. “The  complex application was entirely undertaken by town staff. Staff has been relentless in  improving the application each of the last five years. I am excited that with the continued  support of Senator Schumer, Senator Gillibrand and Congressman Nick LaLota that 2024 is the  year we won what is the largest single, grant funding award in the history of the Town of  Riverhead.”