The Town of Brookhaven invites all community members to participate in a public meeting as part of the town’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP). The public meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 28 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm via Zoom. Registration is not required for the event.
The town is continuing the preparation of a LWRP for its south shore. A LWRP is a comprehensive land and water use program that expresses a long-term vision for the waterfront. The LWRP will identify future projects and programs through consensus-based public engagement.
A LWRP is also a regulatory tool that allows a local community to refine the explanations for statewide coastal policies to meet community needs as well as identify local regulations to implement the program. The LWRP will examine topics including, but not limited to, water quality and environmental health, public access to the waterfront, recreation, climate change, bicycle and pedestrian connections, and economic growth.
A LWRP provides several benefits for the community such as creating state and local partnerships as well as strengthening opportunities to apply for funding from state sources to implement projects. The purpose of the Virtual Public Meeting #3 is to present the preliminary draft LWRP and discuss potential projects. The meeting will include interactive polling questions throughout, as well as a live question-and-answer session at the end. This meeting will be recorded and posted to the project website.
All community members and those utilizing the waterfront are encouraged to participate. Future engagement activities will be scheduled to gather input about the LWRP.
The LWRP is being prepared with funding provided by the New York State Department of State under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund.
“The Town of Brookhaven has been at the forefront of pragmatically addressing the long-term challenges presented by our beautiful and sprawling shorelines in today’s climate-changed reality,” Supervisor Dan Panico said.
This important work will enable the town to chart a course for the future, open the door to grant funding, and leave future generations with ecologically improved waterfronts with enhanced public access.
The LWRP is being developed by the Town of Brookhaven and guided by a Waterfront Advisory Committee. The process is being facilitated by a consultant team led by M.J. Engineering and Land Surveying, P.C. and supported by Bay Environmental Consulting, Captain Consulting, and Andropogon.
Please visit the project webpage at Brookhavenny.gov/LWRP for more information.