The Town of Oyster Bay recently demolished a vacant property in Farmingdale, often referred to as a “zombie” home due to its dilapidated state and abandonment. This initiative is part of a broader effort to tackle the issue of neglected and unsafe properties that not only diminish the quality of life in the community but also pose various safety hazards.
The property, which had been vacant for several years, had become a source of concern for residents, attracting vandalism and becoming a potential haven for criminal activities. Local authorities have been working diligently to identify and take action against such properties, which often result from unresolved foreclosures and can lead to a decrease in property values in the surrounding area. The town’s proactive approach aims to restore these properties to good use, either by renovation or, as in this case, demolition.
“Nothing is more important to the Town Board and I than protecting our quality of life,” said Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino. “The demolition of this hazardous structure was a necessary step to keep neighbors safe. Not only was this property an eyesore, but it was also a threat to the well-being of our community due to its serious building violations and exposed electrical system.”
During a thorough inspection, alarming building code violations and dangerous conditions were uncovered both inside and outside the property. The inspection revealed a laundry list of issues, including an incomplete electrical system, exposed wiring, dilapidating structure, moisture damage, uninhabitable interior conditions, and other safety hazards. Numerous inoperable vehicles including an RV were observed on the property, all completely filled with household items, trash and debris. The property was thus found to pose significant risks to public safety and welfare, prompting immediate action from the town’s Quality of Life Taskforce.
“The removal of this blighted property is a testament to our commitment to improving the quality of life for all residents,” said Councilman Lou Imbroto, chairman of the Town’s Quality of Life Taskforce. “We will continue working tirelessly to identify and address similar issues throughout our town.”
The Code Enforcement Bureau of the Department of Planning and Development is charged with the enforcement of all codes, rules and regulations pertaining to zoning, housing and public safety. It is expressly designed to handle requests of citizens regarding possible violations.
Those who wish to file a complaint, or register a zombie property in their neighborhood may do so by visiting www.oysterbaytown.com/codeenforcement.