National Week Proclaimed in 1974; Suffolk Marks the 50th Anniversary
Suffolk County Executive Ed Romaine was joined by Legislator Dominick Thorne (R-Patchogue), as well as members from a number of Suffolk ambulance, fire, and emergency rescue agencies, to sign the legislator’s bill designating the third week in May 2024, and continuing every year thereafter, as “EMS Appreciation Week” in Suffolk County.
“This morning’s bill signing is a recognition of the invaluable lifesaving service and care provided by the men and women in the county’s organizations,” Romaine said. “By declaring the third week in May as ‘EMS Appreciation Week’ in Suffolk, we acknowledge and express our gratitude for the lifesaving dedication of our first responders.”
Last year alone, Suffolk County EMS workers responded to an estimated 172,000 requests for ambulance service, requests which were covered by 93 EMS agencies throughout the county. “A half-century later, it seems fitting for the County of Suffolk to add its voice to celebrate, acknowledge, and thank our EMS for the lifesaving work they do every day,” Thorne said. “Each day of every week, EMS providers put the needs of their communities above their own needs as they respond to crises, treat injuries, and save lives.”
In 1974, President Gerald R. Ford proclaimed the third week of May as EMS Appreciation Week; an official week to celebrate the importance of EMS professionals and what they do for our communities. Suffolk now marks the 50th anniversary of “EMS Appreciation Week.”
“It was a great honor to sign into law Suffolk County’s EMS Appreciation Week legislation,” Thorne said. As he introduced Romain,. Thorne thanked the over 50 EMS professionals representing more than 20 fire and ambulance services, ranging from Huntington to Montauk.
“Behind me stood heroes, a cross section from all over our county, some of the highest trained emergency care providers in our country, from ambulance operators to NYS EMT and EMT-CC to paramedics,” Thorne continued. “They continually give us their greatest effort all the while leaving their families to care for strangers. We are eternally grateful.”
Emergency Medical Services, more commonly known as “EMS,” is a system that provides emergency medical care; once it is activated by an incident that causes serious illness or injury, the focus of EMS is emergency medical care of the patient or patients.