Pair Indicted for Failed Murder and Robbery Conspiracy

Two people have been indicted on January 26 for their failed plot to rob and murder a Huntington Station man. 

The Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office announced the indictments of Jordan Dekie, 21, of Huntington, and Emily Tague, 19, of Northport. As detailed in court filings, on the evening of December 12, 2022, the victim picked up both Dekie and Tague in his Dodge Charger, and headed to Dekie’s home in Huntington, where he intended to drop them off. After arriving at Dekie’s home, the three sat idly in the victim’s car. 

A short time later, Dekie signaled to Tague, who then allegedly stabbed the victim in the chest with a knife. Dekie, who also had a knife, allegedly attempted to forcibly remove the victim’s lanyard containing his car keys from his neck, and then proceeded to stab the victim multiple times. The victim was able to wrestle the knife out of Dekie’s hand and escape from the vehicle. Both defendants then fled the scene.

The victim, while severely injured, drove home and called 911. Shortly thereafter, units from the Suffolk County Police Department and an ambulance arrived at the scene and rendered aid. The victim was transported to Huntington Hospital and received treatment for his injuries. Dekie and Tague were arrested at their homes a few days later. 

Members of the Suffolk County Police Department obtained numerous text messages between Dekie and Tague allegedly outlining their plan to rob and murder the victim. Additionally, Tague’s hairbrush was recovered from the victim’s vehicle. Dekie and Tague are both charged with Attempted Murder in the Second Degree, a Class B violent felony; Conspiracy in the Second Degree, a Class B felony; and Attempted Robbery in the First Degree, a Class C violent felony. 

On January 25, Dekie was arraigned and ordered held on $150,000 cash, $300,000 bond, or $500,000 partially secured bond. He is due back in court on March 2. On Tague was arraigned on January 26 and was ordered held on $150,000 cash, $300,000 bond, or $500,000 partially secured bond. She is due back in court on March 2.

“These two individuals not only allegedly tried to steal the victim’s belongings, but they also tried to rob him of his life,” said District Attorney Ray Tierney. “This cowardly and heinous act of violence will not be tolerated in Suffolk County, and as such, these individuals will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”