Over 1,500 Coats Collected for Brookhaven Youth Bureau INTERFACE Coat Drive

The 2024 Brookhaven Town Youth Bureau’s INTERFACE Coat Drive collected more than 1,500 coats and several hundred other winter accessories, including winter gloves, hats, sweaters, sweatshirts, boots and scarves. The items, generously donated by residents, have been distributed to several churches, shelters, youth agencies, families, and veterans in need. This year’s coat drive ran from January 8 to February 9.

“The Youth Bureau’s INTERFACE Program is continuing to help residents in need during the winter months,” said Brookhaven Town Supervisor Dan Panico. “I want to thank all the residents who contributed to this year’s coat drive. You have made a real difference for those in need in Brookhaven Town.”

Councilman Michael Loguercio, the Town Board liaison to the Youth Bureau said, “It is heartwarming to know how many people in Brookhaven Town are helped through the INTERFACE Program. Thank you to the Youth Bureau staff and all the generous residents whose kind-hearted donations will help keep many Brookhaven residents warm this winter.”

The Youth Bureau INTERFACE Program is a partnership between individuals, good corporate neighbors, and the Town of Brookhaven united in a common effort to provide help to Brookhaven’s less fortunate residents. It provides goods and services to those in need and addresses social issues.