The giant “fish” trash receptacle has been filling up fast and will be emptied for the first time on July 10 at 11 a.m.
The 4 x 6-Foot Fish is located at Iron Pier Beach in Jamesport. The purpose of the design is to encourage beachgoers to “feed it” by disposing their recyclable containers.
Since it was installed last fall, beachgoers have been disposing of their bottles and cans in the Fish, which has been keeping the beach clean.
The Riverhead Fish was designed and created by Clayton Orehek, a glass artist and sculptor. The Fish was inspired by “Goby” and “Yoshi” which are keeping beaches clean in India and Bali.
The Town of Riverhead Litter Committee received a grant from National Grid to create this one-of-a-kind trash can and hope beachgoers will continue to “feed it” throughout the year.