Brookhaven Demolishes “Zombie House” in Rocky Point

(Photo: Town of Brookhaven) Brookhaven Town Councilwoman Jane Bonner (left) and Town Supervisor Dan Panico (right) stand in front of a "zombie house" in Rocky Point that was demolished on February 24.
The Town of Brookhaven demolished a vacant and abandoned “zombie house” at 118 Route 25 A in Rocky Point on February 24. The property will be purchased by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) ad restored to open space, part of the environmentally sensitive Rocky Point Pine Barrens State Forest.
The house was covered with graffiti and the source of many resident complaints leading to numerous Town of Brookhaven housing code violations. It was demolished in accordance with Chapter 73 of the Town Code which provides a “fast track” to rid neighborhoods of unsafe structures. The cost of demolition and debris removal is the responsibility of the property owner, and the town places a lien on the property that is then placed on the tax bill. Suffolk County reimburses the town and then they collect the money from the property owner.
“Councilwoman [Jane] Bonner works very hard for the residents of Council District 2, and I support her efforts to clean up dilapidated properties,” said Town Supervisor Dan Panico. “The town will continue this program until all neighborhoods are cleared of these dangerous eyesores.”
“Thank you to the DEC for the purchase of the property and incorporating it into open space never to be developed,” Bonner said. “This blight has been removed and Brookhaven Town residents can rest assured that I will continue to preserve and protect the quality of life in my Council District and throughout the Town.”