The Long Island Entertainment and Music Hall of Fame (LIMEHOF) has unveiled their event lineup for August.
The lineup begins with a performance from the HooDoo Loungers on August 6. This group takes its inspiration from rock ‘n’ roll acts like Fats Domino and the gri gri of Dr. John. The styles mix together to create an authentic New Orleans sound.
On August 13, Who Are Those Guys will take the stage. The sound of this popular East End band has been compared to acts like The Band, Neil Young, Tom Petty, Bob Dylan and Creedence Clearwater Revival. Their songs combine elements of rock, blues, country, and folk. They have been performing together for the past 35 years, and have received much recognition all over Long Island.
Finally, the Pamela Betti Band will be performing on August 20. Betti is a singer, songwriter, and performer who has been inducted into the NY Blues Hall of Fame. She has worked with big-name performers such as Joe Louis Walker, Rick Springfield, and The Lords of 52nd Street. Betti and her band have their songs played on blues radio stations across the world and have a new album scheduled to be released in early 2024.
For details on all of the upcoming events, visit www.limehof.org.