How Ironic! Europe Freezing After Listening to Teenager Greta Thunberg

Cold Weather

By Long Island Life & Politics

Check out this article where it notes how the Swiss are getting ready to sacrifice enormously this cold winter due to their lack of available energy.

While we don’t want to see any people suffer, it’s hard not to see the irony in this, given Europe’s irrational, zealous quest to dismantle their oil, gas, and nuclear power plants.

So many in Europe were virtue signaling to the world as they groveled at the feet of a 16-year-old snotnose named Greta Thunberg, who lectured the rest of the civilized western democracies as to how they were destroying the planet and had to shut down their mass energy-producing industries.

So, they listened to Greta and now they’ll be chopping firewood in their backyards to keep warm this winter.

You would think that we would have learned this lesson here in America, yet politicians continue to support policies that shut down our oil and gas exploration in favor of begging our political enemies to produce more fossil fuels to keep us warm this winter.

You can’t make this insanity up. A hundred years hence, historians will look back at this era in wonder, seeking to understand how a population could so eagerly and purposefully make itself weaker, poorer and more dependent on its enemies.