Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino and Councilman Louis Imbroto have announced the Oyster Bay Harbor Cleanup and Marine Education Expo will take place on April 13 at Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park in Oyster Bay (rain date is April 14th), co-sponsored by the Friends of the Bay.Participants, including individuals, families, companies, and organizations, are invited to contribute to the health of the local marine environment by removing litter from Oyster Bay’s shoreline and waters.
The cleanup initiative, which starts at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 12:00 p.m., will not only improve the local habitat but also offer volunteers a chance to engage directly with environmental preservation efforts.
The day will also feature the Marine Education Expo, where environmentalists and marine educators will share insights into local wildlife, ecosystem restoration projects, and innovative solutions to combat marine pollution. Highlights include encounters with animal ambassadors, a marine vessel restoration project, a boatyard tour, and various family-friendly activities. In addition, homeowners and small businesses interested in upgrading their septic systems to newer, cleaner water systems can explore $20,000 grant applications available during the expo.
“This is a great opportunity to roll up your sleeves, give back to Mother Earth, and have fun while learning more about our local marine life and environment,” Saladino said. “We’re offering a free day out for the family that’s both educational and enjoyable.”
The central meeting point for the cleanup will be at the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park launching ramps and waterfront gazebo off Larrabee Avenue. Additional cleanup locations include Stehli Beach and Centre Island Beach in Bayville. Students seeking to fulfill volunteer hours can request certificates of participation. Past cleanup efforts have resulted in 40,000 pounds of debris collected by volunteers and town workers.
For those interested in joining the cleanup efforts, registration is open at www.oysterbaytown.com/volunteerform, or by calling the Department of Environmental Resources at (516) 677-5943.