Bonner Visits Rocky Point Middle School on Career Day

(Photo: Town of Brookhaven) Brookhaven Town Councilwoman Jane Bonner speaks to students at Rocky Point Middle School during Career Day on March 8.

Brookhaven Town Councilwoman Jane Bonner came to Rocky Point Middle School for the school’s “Career Day” on March 8. During her visit, Bonner shared insights from her tenure with the Town of Brookhaven, addressing a myriad of questions from curious students. The dialogue extended beyond her responsibilities, touching upon the students’ aspirations and encouraging them to explore careers that not only align with their skills but also fuel their passions.

“I was very happy to meet with the students and hear what they have on their minds,” Bonner said. “Middle school is an exciting time as they are just beginning to find their way and start thinking about the future. It’s important that they are given every opportunity to find a career that suits them best and one they will enjoy.”