Shirley Man Sentenced for Attempted Murder in Front of Ex-Congressman’s House

(Photo Courtesy of the Suffolk DA's Office) Noah Green was sentenced to 12 years in prison for the attempted murder of two rival gang members in front of former Congressman Lee Zeldin's house.

A Shirley man has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for attempting to kill two rival gang members in front of the home of a former congressman two years ago.

On October 9, 2022, Noah Green left his home with another individual and got into a stolen 2022 Honda CRV. While Green was driving the vehicle, they encountered three rival gang members walking down the street in front of the residence of then-United States Congressman Lee Zeldin. Green shot out of the vehicle multiple times, striking two of the individuals in the chest. Both men survived.  

During the shooting, Zeldin’s daughters were inside the residence doing their homework. Afterwards, Green boasted on social media and through other electronic communications about committing the shooting to alleged fellow gang members. During the course of the conspiracy, Green would frequently post his gang affiliation on social media accounts, post photos and videos of himself and other gang members with weapons and stolen vehicles and would utilize social media as a way to taunt and challenge rivals.  

On October 31, 2022, at approximately 1 p.m., police were conducting surveillance when they observed Green leave his residence in Shirley and enter the driver’s seat of the stolen 2022 Honda CRV. Members of law enforcement then approached Green, who immediately exited the stolen vehicle and began running away in an attempt to evade apprehension. Green jumped onto the hood and roof of a police car, causing damage to both.

During the course of their pursuit, Green continuously refused to comply with the officers’ commands and began reaching for his pants pocket, where police later recovered a loaded Taurus 9mm pistol with a high-capacity magazine. A microscopic examination of the firearm revealed that this was the same pistol Green had used to commit the October 9 shooting outside Zeldin’s home. Additionally, a search of the 2022 Honda CRV revealed that shell casings from the October 9 shooting were still lodged between the windshield and the hood of the vehicle.  

Green, 20, was one of 18  defendants indicted in December 2022 following a long-term investigation into violence committed by a criminal street organization, “No Fake Love.”  

On September 12, 2024, Green pleaded guilty to the following charges before Acting Supreme Court Justice Anthony S. Senft, Jr.:  

  • three counts of Attempted Murder in the Second Degree, all Class B violent felonies
  • two counts of Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Second Degree, both Class C violent felonies
  • one count of Conspiracy in the Second Degree, a Class B felony

On October 15, 2024, Senft sentenced Green to 12 years in prison followed by five years of post-release supervision.

“This was a horrific act of gang-related violence that put innocent lives at risk. The defendant’s  decision to open fire on a residential neighborhood, with two young girls inside the home he shot  towards, demonstrates a complete disregard for human life,” said Suffolk County District Attorney Ray Tierney.  “Thanks to the diligent work of law enforcement, justice has been served with a lengthy 12-year prison sentence. We must continue to address the root causes of gang violence in our communities  and provide young people with positive alternatives to curtail such senseless acts.”