Governor Touts Record-Low Gun Violence, But GOP Says She Ignores NYC, Albany Statistics

(Photo: Mike Groll/Office of Governor Kathy Hochul) Governor Kathy Hochul is joined by New York State troopers during a press conference on October 17 announcing that gun violence has fallen to record lows. Republicans said the statistics don’t include crime-ridden cities such as new York City and Albany.

By Hank Russell

Governor Kathy Hochul held a press conference on October 17 to announce that gun violence statewide has fallen 26% to a record low. However, the Republicans argued that the governor was “cherry-picking” the statistics to make it look like New York has become safer.

Citing statistics from the Gun Involved Violence Initiative (GIVE), in which 28 police departments participate, there were 476 shooting incidents with injury from January 1 through September 30, 2024, compared to 646 incidents from January 1, through September 30, 2023, and represents the fewest reported since the state began tracking this data in 2006. 

GIVE provides nearly $36 million to 28 police departments, as well as district attorneys’ offices, probation departments and sheriffs’ offices, in 21 counties outside of New York City.

Long Island — which is comprised of the Nassau County, Hempstead Village and Suffolk County Police Departments — saw a 36% drop in firearm-involved incidents involving injury, according to Hochul’s office.

“Our record investments in law enforcement and in critical programs like the GIVE initiative are making a real difference in every corner of our state, and my administration will continue fighting to keep New Yorkers safe,” Hochul said.

However, Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C,I-Pulaski) said Hochul excluded statistics from New York City and Albany to give the illusion that gun-related crime is down.

According to GIVE stats, the number of shooting incidents rose 18.4%. The New York Police Department does not participate in GIVE.

Can we really claim gun violence is down when the governor’s report conveniently excludes New York City, where the number of shooting victims has surged by 10% since 2019, and Albany, with a staggering 36% rise in shooting incidents?” Barclay asked. “Cherry-picking stats won’t change the facts.”

Barclay blamed Hochul and the Democratic state legislators for allowing crime to run rampant in those cities and other parts of the state. “Albany Democrats have to confront the chaos they created with reckless policies like bail reform, Raise the Age, and sanctuary city designation, which has welcomed thousands of illegal migrants,” he said.” Assembly Republicans have repeatedly proposed real solutions to hold criminals accountable and ensure law enforcement has the resources to protect our communities. Until we tackle the root cause of these issues, there’s little to celebrate.”