Another Attack on Free Speech by California

New law will jail doctors who don’t parrot the state line on COVID 

By Long Island Life & Politics

We know what happens in China when a doctor or scientist says something contrary to the perspective sanctioned by the all-powerful state: You are “disappeared.” That’s exactly what happened to scientist Ai Fen, who tried to warn the world of the contagious nature of the coronavirus. 

We in America decry such Orwellian, totalitarian measures by the State. Yet, that’s happening to some extent here in some parts of the U.S., where uber-left-leaning officials hold power. If you oppose their strongarm lockdowns and mandates, you will be punished. 

The latest example of this shockingly dystopian groupthink is being peddled by who else, but California Governor Gavin Newsom. It will take effect on January 1, 2023.

According to the Los Angeles Times, California doctors will soon be subjected to disciplinary action if they give advice to their patients on COVID-19 that is characterized as “disinformation.” 

The new law will not cover a doctor speaking on social media or at a public rally about COVID, but it will apply to conversations between patients and their doctors about the patient’s care. 

The text of the measure doesn’t spell out what constitutes an egregious instance, or what metrics will be used to determine malicious intent. State law already bars doctors from lying to their patients, says the Times. Some of the law’s provisions state:

(e) Major news outlets have reported that some of the most dangerous propagators of inaccurate information regarding the COVID-19 vaccines are licensed health care professionals.

(f) The Federation of State Medical Boards has released a statement warning that physicians who engage in the dissemination of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation risk losing their medical license,

(2) “Disinformation” means misinformation that the licensee deliberately disseminated with malicious intent or an intent to mislead.

What’s ironic is that, based on this wording, Dr. Anthony Fauci would stand to lose his license because he lied about the efficacy of masks. Progressives should be very leery about opening up this can of worms.