Administrators Withhold Academic Awards So Other Students Are Not Offended

Two administrators at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Fairfax, Virginia withheld announcing the winners of the National Merit academic awards, leading many parents to suspect it was deliberate in order to avoid offending those who did not win.

Parents were especially suspicious of the school’s motives, given that Fairfax County Public Schools signed a contract this fall with a contractor who preaches an “equity” strategy of “equal outcomes for every student,” urging school district officials to “have the courage and the willingness to be purposefully unequal when it comes to opportunities and access.”

The district’s claim that the withholding of the awards was accidental is called into question by the fact that the same failure to notify students occurred in several other schools as well. 

This disgraceful action inhibited the ability of the winners to tell of their academic success on their résumés while seeking admission to colleges. Those responsible should at the very least be liable for civil damages to the students.