State Police to Crack Down on Drunk Driving This Labor Day Weekend

Due to the increase in travel and alcohol consumption leading up to the Labor Day holiday weekend, the New York State police has chosen to jointly participate in the National DWI Crackdown “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.” During this time, the goal will be to maximize DWI enforcement efforts and to ensure all who are traveling on the roadways are not injured or killed by an intoxicated or drug-impaired driver.

Just this year alone, the New York State Police on Long Island has issued 45,337 tickets, of which 12,224 were for speeding offenses and 861 were for drunk or impaired driving.

“The New York State Police here on Troop L has a simple message for the public,” the state police said in a statement. “We want the public to partner with law enforcement and make safety the top priority whenever they get behind the wheel. Please follow posted speed limits, drive sober, put away electric devices and always buckle up, including back seat passengers. We will have zero tolerance for those who put the lives of others in danger.”