More Than 129,000 Tickets Given Out Statewide during the Holidays

By Hank Russell

During the holiday season, there were 129,686 tickets given out, according to the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC). The crackdown on reckless driving began on December 11 and ended on January 1.

Of the tickets issued, 23,339 were for speeding, 4,264 were for impaired driving, 4,205 were for distracted driving, 3,230 were for seatbelt violations and 981 were for violations of the Move Over Law. Seventy-two percent (93,667) of the tickets were for other offenses.

“The high number of tickets issued during this enforcement period underscores the importance of these mobilizations in keeping New Yorkers and our visitors safe on the roads,” said Department of Motor Vehicles Commissioner and GTSC Chair Mark J.F. Schroeder. “The message is clear: just drive. And the rules are simple: slow down, wear your seat belt, move over for stopped vehicles, put down your device, and never drive if you’re impaired. The ethos of the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee is to save lives, and we will continue these enforcement campaigns until all dangerous drivers are eradicated.”

State troopers arrested 750 people for driving under the influence (DWI) and issued 45,683 tickets for other violations.

“I applaud the tremendous work put forth by our members and law enforcement partners that have contributed to the success of this enforcement,” New York State Police Superintendent Steven G. James said. “We know all too well the preventable tragedies caused by impaired, reckless and distracted driving. We want to remind drivers to make responsible choices every time they get behind the wheel. Our troopers will remain vigilant in keeping impaired and reckless drivers off the roadways every day.”

NYS Sheriffs’ Association President Craig DuMond added, “Hopefully, the holiday season and start of a new year were fun times to connect with family and friends. Most people were courteous and safe, so they did not put themselves and others in danger while behind the wheel. Some drivers were not smart, and they drove while impaired or they drove aggressively and put other road users at risk. Law enforcement ticketed and arrested many of these dangerous drivers.”

On Long Island, during the same time period, Nassau County police issued 313 tickets. One hundred sixty-six were for speeding, followed by impaired driving (68), distracted driving (48), seatbelt violations (25) and violating the Move Over Law (6).

The Suffolk County Sheriffs Department gave out 296 tickets during the holidays. Thirty-nine were for speeding, and 22 were for driving while impaired. Two tickets were issued for using cell phones while driving and sheriffs issued one ticket each for seatbelt violations and the Move Over Law.