Governor Kathy Hochul reminded parents and caregivers that free car seat checks by certified child passenger safety technicians are available statewide during Child Passenger Safety Week, which began September 15. This safety awareness week will culminate with more than a dozen coordinated statewide events on September 21, as part of National Seat Check Saturday.
“Many parents and caregivers think they have properly installed a car seat only to learn through these seat checks that they haven’t,” Hochul said. “It is very common for seats to be installed incorrectly or to be the wrong fit for the child’s size, so I urge all parents and caregivers to take advantage of this opportunity to ensure their children are properly secured.”
The events are part of an ongoing initiative funded by the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC) in which various community partners offer free car seat fittings. Through those grants administered in Federal Fiscal Year 2023, GTSC sponsored 377 car seat check events throughout the state, where a total of 3,779 seats were checked, resulting in 947 car seats provided to families to replace outdated, recalled or inappropriate seats. During that same period, 24 standardized child passenger safety (CPS) technician trainings were conducted, producing 363 new certified technicians.
New York State currently has 2,154 certified technicians and instructors throughout the state who are capable of installing car seats and educating caregivers on proper installation of seats. Nearly 20 additional CPS technicians will complete the certification process in Albany County on National Seat Check Saturday.
NYS Department of Motor Vehicles Commissioner and GTSC Chair Mark J.F. Schroeder said, “Crashes are one of the leading killers of children, but correctly using a car seat, booster seat or seat belt is the most effective way to minimize that risk. GTSC is proud to support state, local and not-for-profit agencies in offering free car seat inspections at permanent fitting stations and check events throughout the state.”
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), around half (46 percent) of car seats are installed incorrectly, yet most parents and caregivers believe they have been installed properly. In addition, vehicle crashes remain one of the leading causes of death among children. NHTSA states that 756 children under the age of 15 were killed in traffic crashes in 2022, and more than 120,000 children were injured.
The car seat check events aim to ensure all parents and caregivers understand how to choose an appropriate seat for the child’s age and size and how to install the seat correctly. Trained technicians use the model of “Learn, Practice, and Explain” to educate caregivers on how to select a child restraint that will fit their child, fit their vehicle and be used correctly every time.
Parents and caregivers can visit the GTSC website to find free Child Passenger Safety Week car seat check events in their region, or they can make an appointment at a year-round regional car seat fitting site.
A National Seat Check event will be held on September 21 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Brookhaven Safety Town, located at 249 Buckley Road, Holtsville. For more information, contact Karen Harper at (631) 451-5335 or email safetytown@brookhavenny.gov.