New York State police and local law enforcement agencies will increase patrols to crack down on drunk and drugged driving and other traffic infractions this 4th of July. They will conduct sobriety checkpoints and target reckless and aggressive driving to keep New York highways safe during what is considered to be the busiest travel weekend of the summer.
“State Police and local law enforcement agencies will once again be out on New York’s roadways this holiday weekend making sure they are safe for drivers and passengers,” Governor Kathy Hochul said. “We want New Yorkers to have fun this holiday weekend, but we also want them to do so responsibly. We have no tolerance for drivers whose reckless actions endanger the lives of others.”
During this enforcement period, drivers can expect to encounter sobriety checkpoints and increased DWI patrols. Law enforcement will also be looking for motorists who are using their phones or any other electronic devices while behind the wheel. Drivers should also remember to “move over” for stopped emergency and hazard vehicles stopped on the side of the road when they travel New York roadways.
Last year, law enforcement issued 35,104 tickets across the state during the July 4 enforcement period, including more than 1,200 tickets for driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs, more than 1,000 for distracted driving, and more than 7,000 speeding tickets. During that time, state police alone issued 12,991 total tickets, arrested 193 people for DWI and investigated 949 crashes, including five fatalities.
“This is a weekend when so many of us will get together with family and friends to celebrate. That fun and joy should not be tempered by someone making a tragic mistake to drive while impaired or distracted. Make a plan to get to your destination safely and give yourself and your loved ones some peace of mind,” said New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Commissioner and Chair of the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee Mark J.F. Schroeder.
“Our members work vigilantly year-round to keep our roadways safe and intercept impaired and reckless drivers, and even more so during holiday periods when celebrations may include alcohol. While we want everyone to enjoy their Independence Day, we ask they do so responsibly by designating a sober driver if they have been drinking. Together, we can work to prevent senseless tragedies that are caused by impaired and reckless drivers,” said New York State Police Superintendent Steven G. James.