New York State Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) partnered with the Mineola School District, Mineola Memorial Library and the Hillside Public Library to celebrate another successful year of the Valentine’s for Veterans program. The program aims to show our local veterans how much we appreciate their sacrifices by collecting donations of sweatshirts, toothpaste and other personal care items, along with unique Valentine’s Day cards made by students. The donations and handmade cards were delivered yesterday to the Long Island State Veterans Home and the Northport VA.
“The Valentine’s for Vets program provides an opportunity for our students and community to extend their gratitude to veterans who courageously risk their lives for our freedom. A heartfelt thank you goes to all those who contributed and dedicated time to craft cards for our veterans. And a special thank you to the Mineola School District, Mineola Memorial Library and the Hillside Public Library for hosting the drives, enabling the success of another memorable Valentine’s for Veterans event. Small gestures that bring smiles to others are among the most valuable things we can do, and it brings me great joy to witness the generosity and passion of our community members,” said Ra.