It’s Time to Dump the Ridiculous Caucus System

We’d like to meet the knuckleheads who first determined that a good way to elect a president would be to have people in the community go down to a gathering hall in sub-zero temperatures and stand in a corner to support a particular candidate.

It’s a ludicrous relic of a system that has to be trashed.

The normal primary process allows one to vote the entirety of Election Day. 

Caucuses require you to be at a certain location at a very specific time and hang around possibly for hours.

If your candidate didn’t get the most votes, you’re able to switch over to a candidate of a different choice.

While we are at it, let’s end open primaries where people not in your political party are able to raid your party’s election and cast a vote. If you want to vote in a Democratic Party, then register as a Democrat. If you want to vote in a Republican Party, then register as a Republican. Why should a Republican or independent be able to influence the Democrats’ choice for their party standard bearer, or vice versa?

So let’s get rid of the ridiculous caucuses, while also stopping those outside of a particular party from participating in that party’s primary.