American Youth’s Violence against Jews Has Been Stoked by the Left’s Critical Race Theory

by Steve Levy

The left is now learning the effects of its critical race theory: violence against Jews.

For years, many mainstream Americans have been warning the left and the Democratic Party, where it sets safe harbor, that its obsession over critical race theory (CRT), and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) would have devastatingly negative consequences. The recent outpouring of hatred against Jews by young Americans has proven that warning to have been very much prescient.

Very little good can come about from dividing America into tribes. Black versus white, male versus female, gay versus straight. But that’s exactly what the Marxist underpinnings of critical race theory have perpetrated over the last five to 10 years. The movement has totally eviscerated the laudable teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, who led the cause to judge people on the content of their character, rather than the color of their skin.

But that was all reversed by so-called anti-racists such as Ibram X. Kendi,  Ta-Nehasi Coates, and Robin D’Angelo, to name a few. They all had one thing in common: they were preaching a Marxist dogma that was fiercely anti-American and anti-western.

When you boil every issue down to the exploited versus the exploiters, it’s going to lead to trouble, even violence.

How is it that leftists on campus and throughout America have come to side with religious fundamentalists from Hamas, rather than those such as Israel who have established a liberal democracy with a free press and equality for women and gays?

The answer is simple: race. 

Radical educators have been preaching to our impressionable children and college students that whiteness, especially capitalist whiteness, equals oppression.

Being a person of color means that you are an exploited victim who has no way to succeed, except by tearing down the system.

Thus, when it comes to choosing between brown Palestinians, or what is perceived to be white Jews (though that is inaccurate), the left will choose the non-whites. They freely throw around their favorite buzzwords such as “colonialism,” ”occupation” and “apartheid.” 

It is absurd to suggest that Jews, who came from the ancient region of Judea, are somehow colonizing a land where they once flourished. Ironically, it was both Jews and Palestinians in the area who were colonized over the centuries, from the Romans to the Ottomans to the British.

Yet, since Jews are perceived as being white, it’s concluded that they must be the exploiters in this situation. Never mind that not a single Jewish authority or settler has lived or maintained a presence in Gaza for the last two decades.

What’s even more ironic is that America’s leftist youth have decided to team up with intolerant Hamas acolytes, who would throw the youths off a building if they discovered they were gay. 

These leftists would be free to espouse their views and live their lives as they would like in Israel, but they would be jailed or executed in Gaza for doing the same. And, yet, who do they side with? Hamas. 

It is revolting, but it is also a predictable consequence of teaching young people that whites perpetuate patriarchal, oppressive regimes, while non-whites are their helpless victims.

The left’s dangerous dogma of DEI and CRT has been exposed. The next question is: Do we have the will to eradicate this poison from our schools and institutions?

Steve Levy is President of Common Sense Strategies, a political consulting firm. He served as Suffolk County Executive, as a NYS Assemblyman, and host of “The Steve Levy Radio Show.” He is the author of “Solutions to America’s Problems” and “Bias in the Media.”, Twitter @SteveLevyNY,