Officials Shouldn’t Even Think about More Mask Mandates

Covid cases are on the rise, so we’ve already seen some crazy college administrators requiring mask mandates and vaccines for their students.

When will these control freaks ever learn?

A new independent, highly prestigious Oxford University study,, published in no less than the liberal New York Times, concluded that masks did not work during the pandemic.

When the scientist conducting the study was asked to explain the earlier studies that apparently claimed masks did work, the scientist responded that those studies were flawed in not using proper random sampling.

Thus, it is now coming out that the entire healthcare industry’s premise of forcing masks on two-year-olds was based on fake science. 

Now, if you look hard enough and pay enough money, you can find or create studies that will tell you what you want to hear. 

It is understandable and logical to say that, in the early months of the pandemic, it was important to err on the side of caution and to give the benefit of the doubt to the health professionals in the white coats who were suggesting lockdowns, masking and mandated vaccinations. But as time went by, it became clear that the science was telling us that the masks were not necessarily working; that young people were not dying from Covid; that Covid was doing the most harm to the elderly, the obese, and those with preconditions.

We also learned that, as the virus was mutating, the vaccines, while still very effective in preventing the vulnerable from dying, were not effective in preventing one from getting the virus, or, just as importantly, from transferring the virus to someone else. 

Thus, many people started asking this commonsense question: Why would you continue to require testing and proof of vaccination if having the vaccine did not protect the person next to you? 

The health professionals put ideology and dogma over common sense, and even the science itself.

It was also clear, based upon a state-by-state comparison, and looking at a country such as Sweden that did not have mask mandates, that those places that did not institute draconian measures ended up no worse than those that did. The only difference is those that ordered lockdowns, required us to mask up, and prevented children from attending their schools, caused enormous, tangential damage to the economy, and to the health of the public.

It has become clear to many that the Covid lockdown advocates continuing to push their unscientific mandates were doing so for the sake of maximizing money and power. Politicians love the idea of scaring their constituents so that they could convince them to subordinate their constitutional rights to the dictates of the elites in power, while also allowing themselves to go into debt to the tune of trillions of dollars so that the greedy politicians could have unprecedented amounts of money to implement their pet projects for which they have been salivating over for years. 

Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us.