Man Sentenced to Death in Saudi Arabia for Tweets

By Steve Levy

I recall my first day in International Relations 101 at Stony Brook University when my rather left-leaning professor opened the course by noting: “There are no good guys or bad guys in international politics, only national interests.”

As someone who was raised to think on his own, and not be a sheepish lemming swallowing the propaganda that was fed to me, I questioned whether this professor had a grasp of the real world.

After all, how could he say that there was a moral equivalency amongst all nations when we had ruthless communist regimes in the Soviet Union and China that were imprisoning and even murdering their political opposition?

Today, there are those who claim that America is a racist, repressive nation that is no different from the rest of the world. While we are indeed seeing ourselves sliding backward as the woke crowd is taking over our institutions, there still is a marked difference between our country and many others around the world including Iran, Communist China, North Korea, etc.

And then there is Saudi Arabia, which just sentenced to death a man who  tweeted items that the royal family disagreed with.

That, folks, is called a reality check. To all those Marxist Americans who say America is so horrible and we have to burn it down and start all over, just remember what other countries are like outside this nation.