The Marxists Want to Take over America from Within

by Steve Levy

For the last couple of years, this column has been warning readers to be alert for the gradual infusion of Marxism into our government and culture.

Back when I was attending college at Stony Brook University in the late 70s early 80s, I came across many radical Marxist professors and wannabe Che Guevaras within our student clubs and government. But I didn’t pay it much mind because I knew as soon as these naive rabble-rousers got into the real world, they would be faced with institutions and corporate boardrooms that would demand hard work, self-reliance, and merit, rather than handouts and equal distribution.

And that’s the way it was.

But there’s something different happening recently. Those crazy radicals who were on the fringe and weren’t taken seriously are now running our institutions. They have completed taking total control not only over higher academia, but have now also been holding the reins in our K-12 schools. They are very successfully indoctrinating a whole new generation that is sympathetic to socialism and Marxism. This is not hyperbole.

Look at the New York City Council, which now hosts several members who ran on the Democratic Socialist line. These are not your mom and dad’s Democrats. These are loons like former councilman Charles Barron and anti-cop Tiffany Caban. And, of course, we have many socialists from New York in Congress, including AOC and Jamal Bowman. On the state level Julia Salazar, Jabari Brisport, Marcela Mitaynes, Emily Gallagher, Zohran Mamdani, and Phara Souffrant, have wreaked havoc against traditional common sense.

These are not fringe players. They are committee chairs who are shaping policy. These are the folks behind the defund-the-police movement and wiping out local zoning to be replaced with city-like densities. They are banning our gas stoves, forcing us to buy electric vehicles and heat with electricity only, knowing that we don’t have the electric infrastructure to support it. This is leading to astronomical energy bills.

But it’s their indoctrination of our youth that may be the most troubling. It was Nikita Khrushchev in the heat of the Cold War who waved his fist and predicted that, one day, his communist government would reign supreme in America, not through force, but from infiltration within.

They’re not quite there yet, but it’s starting to creep in.

How is this happening if the socialists — while growing in large numbers within the Democratic Party — are still a minority?

It’s in large part due to the polarized nature of our primary system and redistricting. Republicans are more scared of losing a primary from the right than going down in the general election, just as Democrats fear the radical left flank.

Just look at Chicago, which threw out a bumbling, ultra-liberal mayor, who oversaw violent chaos in the streets, only to be replaced by an even further left Democrat.

Another major factor is money. These socialists are being funded by heinous elements, such as George Soros’ Open Society Foundation. Soros is a multi-billionaire whose intent is to destabilize America. He’s found an easy path to do it by showering millions of dollars into traditionally low-key district attorney races.

While the establishment Democrats weren’t looking, his Marxist DAs were winning primaries and then coasting to victory in general elections. Once in power, they simply declined to prosecute the violent predators. And this has indeed resulted in chaos in our cities.

The other monetary element has been supplied by the Socialist Democrats themselves. One of the most important elections in American history was the Senate runoff in Georgia in 2020. When Democrats picked up both seats to claim a majority in the Senate, they were able to move legislation without having to compromise with Republicans.

The cherry on top was Covid and the climate change issues. These two issues allow the Marxists to scare Americans to death. They literally said that the world would end in 12 years if we didn’t give them trillions of dollars to control the climate and other ancillary items.

They also told us that we were all going to die from Covid — from the oldest nursing home patient to the average two-year-old. Making people think they’re going to perish is a great motivator to get them to cede power and dollars they never would otherwise.

Throw in some trickery and lack of transparency by the present administration and you get trillions of dollars available to sprinkle around for every legislator’s pet items, and that includes the pet projects of the Marxists.

Ever wonder why these diversity and inclusion supervisors exist in our schools, government, corporations, and even the military?

It’s because the Biden administration tucked into the Covid and climate bills billions and billions of dollars just for this purpose. Once they got hold of the massive funds for these DEI activists, they got to work crafting new seminars and policies, and punishments for those who did not toe the line.

The first rule in the Marxist playbook is to destroy present American institutions, such as church and family. If you want your subjects to be totally allegiant to the state, you cannot have them distracted by an allegiance to their parents or their God.

So the state now encourages students to change their gender identifications while keeping parents in the dark. They teach white kids they are inherently racist while telling black kids they can’t get ahead without dependence on the state.

President Obama’s “Life of Julia” pamphlets were the quintessential example. Young women were taught that, through these handouts, the government would take care of their every need, from birth through education, through childcare through employment, and even for food, heating, transportation and cell phones.

They tell those who didn’t go to college they must pay the bills of those who did.

They tell people who sacrificed to get good credit must subsidize those who spent freely and had low credit.

They want to tax you for the appreciation of your stocks or home value, even if you didn’t sell them.

They want to create a Department of Misinformation to monitor our speech and punish those who don’t toe the party line.

These are dangerous times. Will we wake up soon enough to realize that Khruschev’s boast of talking us out from within is seriously underway?