by Steve Levy
George Orwell understood better than anyone how Marxists manipulate words to change history and to compel behavior.
In his iconic dystopian novel 1984, Orwell’s main character, Winston, was an employee of the totalitarian state. His job was to rewrite history and to change the meaning of words. “Who controls the past,” said the Party, “controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”
The state would repeatedly pound into the minds of its subjects inaccurate words, phrases and calculations and repeat the word nonsense so many times, with such conviction, and with such harsh penalties to those who rebel, that, after a while, the subjects actually started to believe in these falsehoods.
They were told over and over that “War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength.” And, that 2+2=5.
The subjects at first knew this was nonsense. But with fear of the thought police watching over your shoulder, and hearing every word that you utter, you dared not say anything but the false conclusions presented by the state. Saying 2+2=4 would get you imprisoned and tortured. You would be forced to attend indoctrination camps compelling you to mimic the inaccurate phrases or face shock therapy.
The novel concludes with Winston finally admitting to himself within his own mind that 2+2 indeed equals 5.
The Communist Chinese under Mao understood the power of words as well. Their entire Cultural Revolution, which murdered millions, was premised on sending dissenters into concentration camps, whereupon they would be brainwashed into repeating these falsehoods or face retribution.
The Marxists and their sympathizers in today’s America are not as draconian in their manipulation of words. Rather, they gradually introduce these word-game changes and use their allies in the media to establish them as being mainstream.
Only the new words and phrases can be uttered. Reiterating certain unacceptable phrases of the past will get you shunned in society, fired from your job, or, in some cases, branded as domestic terrorists.
The Marxists in America have become so brazen that they even got President Joe Biden to promote a Disinformation Governance Board, which sounds eerily similar to Orwell’s Ministry of Truth.
Why are they doing this?
In 1984, Orwell answers that question this way:
Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end, we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.
Today, the Left is using the Biden Administration — through its intelligence agencies and departments of State, Health and Education — to promote a certain acceptable wordspeak and ideology. They work hand-in-hand with social media giants and a compliant liberal media to force this tyrannical suppression of speech.
It is so overwhelming in our culture that it successfully chills the speech of average Americans, who deep down don’t believe in the nonsense, but fear earning the states’ wrath for speaking the truth.
If you think the paragraphs above are pure hyperbole, consider these Top 12 examples of how Marxists and leftists have changed the meaning of words in America today:
Keeping pornography out of school is redefined as “ book banning.”
Illegal aliens are redefined as “asylum seekers.”
Opposing the genital mutilation of minors is redefined as opposing healthcare for trans kids and supporting anti-LGTBQ+ legislation.
Opposing the idea of having female athletes overpowered by biological male competitors is redefined as discriminating against trans athletes.
Being opposed to a regulation requiring mortgage applicants with good credit scores subsidizing those with bad scores is redefined as being against efforts to bolster homeownership for the disadvantaged.
Opposing a law forcing those who did not take out loans to subsidize those who did is redefined as being against providing educational opportunities for middle and working-class students.
Criticizing the Los Angeles Dodgers for giving an award to a drag company that mocks the crucified Jesus Christ, nuns and Catholics is redefined as being intolerant to gays.
Parents who complain about their white children being taught they are racist and Black children being taught they are helpless victims are redefined as being domestic terrorists.
Those who are against defunding the police are redefined as being indifferent to police brutality.
Pedophiles are redefined as “people attracted to minors.”
A mother is redefined as a “birthing person.”
A girl is redefined as an “assigned female at birth.”
If you scoffed at ever believing you could succumb to the state’s will by saying two plus two equals five, ask yourself if you are now unwittingly repeating any of the Left’s new acceptable word-speak listed above. Pretty creepy, isn’t it?