The Latest Leftist Power Grab: Eliminating Off-Year Elections

The last two years have shown how detrimental it has been for New York State once Republicans lost control of the State Senate. Divided government created a sense of checks and balances on the crazies on both sides of the political aisle.

But, now, Democrats control every statewide elective office, as well as veto-proof majorities in both the Senate and the Assembly.

We had seen some dangerous measures from the Democrats in the past that were fortunately stymied in committee in the Republican-controlled Senate. Those days are long gone.

We are now seeing a flurry of crazy bills coming out of Albany with little pushback. We know many people have died because of the foolish bail reforms that the Democrats enacted. We are seeing our electric rates go through the roof because of the unrealistic, extremist green policies promoted by the progressives. They are even now banning us from having gas stoves in new homes.

The latest problematic bill to be passed in Albany by the leftists would end the concept of off-year voting for local elections. While the gubernatorial and presidential elections traditionally would occur in even years, local district attorney and county executive races would take place in the odd years. This allowed voters to focus attention on these very important local issues.

But Democrats noticed that more of their voters come out during the even years than the odd years. They are therefore seeking to end the off-year local elections and combine them with the vote for president and governor. They argue that more people will now be voting on these local candidates. But nothing is stopping anyone from not voting on the off-year. Having these off-year elections gives voters the opportunity to provide greater focus on elections that will affect them in their own backyards.

Folding these important local races into presidential years will make races for county executive and district attorney afterthoughts.

Why are the Democrats doing this? The answer is because they can. Obviously, there will be little pushback from the liberal media.

Once it’s in place, the left will have an even greater hold on our state and local governments. That means more killings in the street because of their soft-on-crime policies, more blackouts and higher electric bills due to their unrealistic energy policies. Brace yourself.