Why Are Schools Raising Taxes, and Other Commentary

Why are schools raising taxes

How Is a 3.8% Increase within the 2% Tax Cap?

One Long Island school district just mailed out a brochure to all the homeowners bragging that it was within the property tax cap. Most of us would believe that would mean it’s 2% or under. However, you have to look further down into the weeds to see that it’s actually a 3.8% increase to the property tax levy.

The first question is why are there so many loopholes that allow for a 4% increase when it was always intended to be a 2% cap.

Secondly, a bigger question is why are there any tax increases at all when schools have more money today than they’ve ever had due to the massive influx of federal revenues as a result of federal Covid grants.

It seems that nothing is ever enough. School boards continue to seek the maximum amount they can within the cap, whether they need it or not, just to keep their base artificially high.

Taxes go up when times are bad — and they go up anyway, even if schools are flush with cash. And we wonder why more people are leaving New York than any other state in the nation.


Colorado Teachers’ Union Passes Resolution Seeking to Replace American Capitalism with Socialism

Many pundits have been warning fellow Americans that there is a real movement afoot by Marxist elements within our institutions to indoctrinate our young children to disavow traditional American values and adopt a more Marxist-oriented society.

The radical left has been claiming that those providing the warnings are conspiracy theorists who are making it all up.

Well, now we have the Colorado teachers’ union just coming right out and saying it. They are calling for teaching our children that American free markets are racist and exploit children. They advocate for its replacement, which is obviously a call for a form of Marxism.


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and parents’ rights groups such as Moms for Liberty push back and, ironically, are labeled as extremists by the radicals and the mainstream media.

Those of us who believe in America cannot just sit back and allow this to happen.


Surgeon General’s Hypocrisy on Correlation between Loneliness and Physical Health

So President Biden’s uber-liberal surgeon general has been on a media tour proclaiming how loneliness is leading to premature deaths and illnesses of many Americans. Can these folks be any less self-aware? Did they forget already that they, including this very surgeon general, were at the forefront of shutting down America during Covid, despite the fact that it was clear lockdowns had limited value and were rife with unintended serious consequences? Some of those consequences were a sharp increase in mental illness, alcoholism, drug overdoses and, yes, loneliness.