Officers Help Deliver Baby on the Side of the Highway in Shirley

(Photo Courtesy of the SCPD) (L - R) Officers Joseph Lacey, Jonathan Verity, and Brendan Nappi helped deliver a baby on the side of the road in Shirley

Three Suffolk County officers helped to safely deliver a baby girl in a car on the side of Sunrise Highway in Shirley.

On March 24 at approximately 6:11 p.m., Suffolk County officers Joseph Lacey, Brendan Nappi, and Jonathan Verity replied to a 911 call of a woman in active labor inside a Honda Accord on the shoulder of Sunrise Highway near William Floyd Parkway during heavy rain. After arriving, Lacey, Nappi, and Verity – who graduated from Suffolk County Police Academy on Friday – helped the 37-year-old Mastic Beach woman deliver a healthy baby girl and wrap her in a blanket. 

Shirley Community Ambulance arrived shortly afterward and brought the healthy mother and baby to Stony Brook University Hospital.