Beware of Junk Science Pushed by Gas Stove Banishers

The National Review’s Rich Lowry wrote an outstanding piece (linked here) on how climate zealots seeking to ban gas stoves are using junk science to promote their extremist views.

The advocates latched onto an egregiously flawed study funded by a far-left organization that purportedly links gas stoves to a high number of asthma occurrences in American families.

The advocates claim that a precise 12.7% of asthma cases in America are caused by gas stoves. This is wild speculation with little pure science to back it up. For instance, they don’t account for factors other than the gas stove contributing to the statistic.

Nevertheless, a compliant liberal media jumped on the press release, issued by the gas stove banners, and promoted this junk science as being fact.

This gives pause to parents who think it must be true and, therefore, must acquiesce to the wishes of the climate activists who want to re-engineer our behavior.

The junk science is compounded by the fact that these advocates — who claim that fossil fuels will be eliminated by converting to electric stoves — always fail to take into account the amount of fossil fuels that would be necessary to generate the electricity necessary to run the electric stoves.

Fortunately, people of common sense are pushing back against this moronic proposal to ban gas stoves pushed by a Biden-appointed panel. 

But, while it might be a nonstarter on the federal level, beware that Governor Hochul is pursuing gas bans on new homes through her Climate Council. Gas stoves for present homes may also wind up on the table for consideration. Unless New Yorkers push back, this may become a reality in a short time.