By Lindsay Press
The Small Business Committee has passed a bill introduced by U.S. Representative Nick LaLota (R-Rocky Point) that he says would eliminate the legal jargon in contracts that leave small businesses at a disadvantage.
The Plain Language in Contracting Act, which was co-led by Representatives Shri Thanedar (D-Michiigan) and Derek Tran (D-California), aims to make sure that federal contracting opportunities are written in plain language, which will make it easier for small businesses to gain government contracts.
The bill would “require plain language and the inclusion of key words in covered notices that are clear, concise, and accessible to small business concerns, and for other purposes.”
LaLota notes in his bill that small businesses do not have the same connections to several lawyers that large companies do when working toward a federal government contract. The amount of small businesses gaining government contracts has decreased over time, and ensuring that small businesses are given plain language contracts gives small businesses a better chance to compete for a government contract.
“The Small Business Committee has taken a critical step in advancing my Plain Language in Contracting Act, a bipartisan bill designed to make federal contracts accessible and understandable for small businesses,” said LaLota, who is also Chair of the Small Business Subcommittee on Contracting and Infrastructure. “By cutting through the government jargon, we’re leveling the playing field, ensuring that small businesses have the same opportunity to compete as large corporations.”
“Having experienced the challenges of running a small business, I recognize the urgent need to cut through the jargon and bureaucracy to provide clear, concise, and accessible information to our nation’s small business owners,” said Thanedar.
“I grew up working in a community-based small business and I believe that community-based businesses drive our economy and support working people. I’m proud to bring that experience to Congress,” said Tran. “The Plain Language in Contracting Act expands critical opportunities for small business owners, especially Veterans and immigrant entrepreneurs, by requiring contract solicitations for small businesses be written in clear and concise language, free from complex government jargon.”