Did Marxist Indoctrination Play a Role in Healthcare CEO’s Murder?

By Steve Levy

It is now apparent that the cold-blooded murder of United Health Care CEO Brian Thompson was not a random act of violence. If the allegations in the indictment are true, suspect Luigi Mangione committed premeditated murder to send a political message that corporate greed is the bane of our existence.

A further dive into Mangione’s psyche indicates that he was a privileged, wealthy Ivy League grad who came to believe that the offing of a healthcare executive was justified to help bring change to an unacceptable system that purportedly inflicts pain on the populace. (It’s doubtful the gunman would have deemed it justifiable for a conservative zealot to shoot a liberal he believes is promoting dangerous policies.)

This is straight out of the playbook of Marx, who callously remarked: “We have no compassion and seek no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.”

Followers of communist teachings, such Mao and Stalin, believed that it was totally acceptable to murder tens of millions of their fellow human beings on behalf of the “greater good.” Mao justified his wanton slaughter by noting: “It is better to let half of the people die so that the other half can eat their fill.”

The young, mostly white, upper-middle class individuals in their twenties who comprise a huge block of the radical group Antifa, employ violence and anarchy in a Machiavellian quest to tear our present dystopian society down and replace it with their own version of Nirvana. They are accumulating these warped ideas from our left-wing universities which are controlled by academics, almost three quarters of whom identify as leftists.

A recent oped published by an Ivy League student registered no surprise at Mangione’s indoctrination, since it is now common in our university system through the teachings of critical race theory to instruct students that the world is divided into two classes — the oppressed and the oppressors.

White male, Christian capitalists fall into the category of oppressors, while minorities, gays and women fall into the class of the helplessly exploited.

Thus, it shouldn’t be surprising that the younger generation classifies capitalistic Israelis (who they deemed as white) as being oppressive colonizers of brown Palestinians, even though Israelis hadn’t been in Gaza for almost twenty years.

If we were to question Mangione further on other issues of national significance, it is likely that he would answer in accord with a vast swath of his higher-educated generation who have claimed in polls to favor socialism over free markets (while harboring a mostly positive opinion on the concept of Marxism).

They also have a negative view of America as a whole and almost half have claimed that they would not step up to defend our country if we were invaded, as was Ukraine.

And just like Marxists throughout history, this new generation seems quite agreeable that freedom of speech can justifiably be suppressed if said speech is the type they disagree with.

They have been coddled as snowflakes to such a degree that they now believe speech can be violence, yet violence can be justified against those they subjectively deem to be a danger.

Alarmingly, a near majority of this indoctrinated generation do not believe that the murder of a healthcare executive was unjustified, at least to a certain degree.

Before readers take the position that this article is overdramatizing the danger of such beliefs installed by Marxist indoctrination, let us not forget that the same way of thinking led to the greatest genocide in the history of the world — the hundred million human beings who were snuffed out by Marxist ideologues in the 20th century, all supposedly with altruistic intentions.

Steve Levy is President of Common Sense Strategies, a political consulting firm. He served as Suffolk County Executive, as a NYS Assemblyman, and host of “The Steve Levy Radio Show.” He is the author of “Solutions to America’s Problems” and “Bias in the Media.” www.SteveLevy.info, Twitter  @SteveLevyNY, steve@commonsensestrategies.com