Letter to the Editor: In Defense of Thunberg

To the Editor:

I read with interest your editorial entitled “How Ironic! Europe Freezing After Listening to Teenager Greta Thunberg.” I just wanted to mention a couple of things.

First of all, your energy chart shows Natural Gas priced according to KwH. kilowatt hours are what electricity is priced at. You can’t really convert natural gas to this measurement. And the way we buy natural gas around here is by the Therm. Also a nebulous term for most consumers, but that can be the subject of another editorial.

I also object to you referring to Greta as “snotnosed.” Is her nose runny because she is cold from turning the thermostat all the way down? The fact is, most young people are very concerned about the state of the planet they will inherit. True, they can be self-righteous because most of them don’t have to pay the bills nor bring home an income, but they see the changes in the climate, like bigger storms, more coastal flooding, fires, tornadoes, etc. and it scares them.

Maybe Europeans are more adroit at listening to their children? We allow ours to continue to be slaughtered in their classrooms and do little but offer thoughts and prayers; at least the Europeans hear their kids’ voices and try to do something for them. After all, they are the future.


Alan Kriegstein
