Media Outlets Differ on How Illegal Immigration Impacts Housing Costs

It is indeed interesting to see how two different newspapers are such polar opposites when it comes to explaining the impact illegal immigration is having on local communities. 

More specifically, both the liberal Newsday and the more conservative New York Post had articles a day apart from each other reporting on the impact of illegal immigration on rental and housing costs. Newsday did a large story about how the number of homeless on the island is at all-time highs and how the shelters are overwhelmed.

There was no mention of the impact of illegal immigration in these statistics, other than a quote from a so-called “expert” that immigration had no impact whatsoever on the higher rents. They did not disclose how many people within the shelter systems were here illegally or are of foreign origin. 

On the other hand, the New York Post editorialized how the influence of illegal immigration is having a dramatic impact on rents going up.

They state statistics as to how the shelters are being overrun by people who are not here properly in the first place. That, in turn, leads to more pressure on private units, which, as per the rules of supply and demand, will increase rents. 

Candidates for elected office will often concentrate on crimes committed by those here illegally, but the more prevalent issue to the average American is the impact uncontrolled illegal immigration has on their own local finances. The first step towards solving a problem is admitting that we have one in the first place. It looks like the Post got it right on this one.