Biden, Harris Continue to Lie about Crime and Immigration

If you listen to the soundbites and read the press releases from the Biden-Harris administration and their allies in the media, you would think that both crime and illegal immigration are down since they came into office. They even disingenuously present statistics to try to prove it. 

The only problem is, those statistics are purposely doctored to create this myth.

Let’s start with immigration. Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz made a claim at the debate that immigration levels are now lower than they were during the Trump administration. We all know this is crazy talk.

Biden and Harris have deliberately let in 10 million illegal aliens with the hope that they will eventually get citizenship and voting rights. They deliberately dismantled the very effective executive orders issued during the previous administration that had brought immigration to its lowest levels in memory. Most significant was the change in the Remain in Mexico policy, in which those seeking asylum would have to wait in a country outside the U.S. while their claim was being deliberated. 

Biden-Harris changed all that by allowing those claiming asylum to gain entry into the U.S. and stay here indefinitely, or at least until the hearings come about a decade down the road. In essence, it is a de facto legitimizing status. 

But then they did something almost equally nefarious. In order to allow the flow of humanity to continue over the border while simultaneously trying to create a lie that the illegal crossings help lessened, the administration created an app whereby illegal immigrants from certain countries can just sign in and thereby receive legal status. It should be noted that a president does not have the authority to grant this legalization without Congress, yet that is what Biden and Harris have been doing. 

We saw the CBS moderator at the vice presidential debate with a straight face trying to fact-check J.D. Vance that Haitian immigrants in Ohio are here legally. Vance was quick to pounce and to point out this lie. He said they were only being called legal by Biden and Harris because they signed up for the app. That didn’t make these illegal immigrants legal. They didn’t wait on line for 10 years like other legal immigrants. This was an illegal, made-up system to help Biden and Harris continue the flow of illegal immigrants without having them designated as illegal crossers. 

In the same debate, Walz made the statement that crime is down and lower than during Trump’s term.

As the saying goes, there’s lies, damn lies, and then the statistics. The sleight-of-hand used by Biden and Harris in this case was that their allies in the FBI completely changed the method by which the government measures crime. 

For instance, their new criteria led to cities throughout the country — including some of the biggest and most dangerous such as Los Angeles and New York — never filing their numbers. Consequently, official numbers by the FBI were off by  a mile.

Then, it should be noted that the figures announced were just crimes reported and not crimes that were actually committed. That is significant because, after the George Floyd riots and the “defund the police” movement, victims of crime simply stopped reporting them, knowing that the police would not come or the DAs would not follow through with prosecution. 

The method used by the Department of Justice in the past to measure crime was to do scientific surveys of random people to determine how many of them were victimized by crime over the last year. When that analysis is done, it shows that crime was actually up in 2023 over the previous year. 

Even if the number had, in fact, dropped slightly, we must look at the cumulative rise in crime in Democrat-controlled cities since the post-George Floyd and the defund the police movement. 

And in many areas, such as New York, the bloodbath started even earlier when in 2019 liberal Democrat legislators imposed no cash bail and other restrictive measures on district attorneys that started the upward climb in shootings, murders and other violent felonies. 

And then there is the lie about historic job gains. We’re not stupid. We realize that this was just a rebounding of the lost jobs from the pandemic. But what’s more interesting is that, when you look deeply into the stats, you find that a huge portion of these jobs have been filled by individuals who are not American citizens. That’s right — they’re going to people from other countries who are here legally and illegally. 

Moreover, the remaining jobs are predominantly in government, the size of which exploded after the massive Covid funding that allowed for a tremendous number of public sector jobs to be added to the taxpayers’ burden. 

The games played with statistics by Biden and Harris and their friends in the mainstream media is what true gaslighting is all about. 

Don’t believe your eyes when you see all of these illegal immigrants filling hotel rooms throughout New York City.

Don’t believe your eyes when you see crazy people on the subway, harassing and assaulting your fellow passengers. Believe these fake statistics. The fear of the Biden-Harris team is that most Americans may indeed believe their own eyes.