Town of Riverhead Begins Process to Purchase Peconic Bay Medical Center Foundation’s Robert Entenmann Campus

Yvette Aguiar
Riverhead Town Supervisor Yvette Aguiar says the new town hall would house some of its departments in a "modern and professional atmosphere."

The Town of Riverhead has announced that it has identified property to relocate its new town hall, and it has entered into a period of agreement with the Peconic Bay Medical Center Foundation (PBMC Foundation) to purchase the Robert Entenmann Campus in downtown Riverhead. The acquisition of the property creates an opportunity for Riverhead to develop a new town hall central to the town’s overall revitalization plan. PBMC, in return, will reinvest the funds into the emergency department expansion, women’s health services and further ambulatory expansion.

“The entire Town Board is excited to make this announcement and take a concrete step toward realizing a long-held ambition of this town for a new town hall, with a facility that will house many of our departments in a modern and professional atmosphere,” said Riverhead Town Supervisor Yvette Aguiar.

“We’re excited to partner with the Town of Riverhead to provide them this opportunity, and moreover, to help assist Riverhead in realizing its development and revitalization goals,” said Amy Loeb, PBMC Executive Director and President of the Peconic Bay Medical Center Foundation. “As we look to the future, Peconic Bay Medical Center is devoted to continuing to develop and provide the community of Riverhead, and the entire East End, with a world-class facility that provides essential, next-level care. The legacy and generous contributions made by the Entenmann family will be honored as PBMC shifts its focus to revitalization and investment on our newly expanded main campus, formerly Mercy High School.”

An agreement is currently being developed by the Town of Riverhead and PBMC for the sale of the property. The new town hall will provide a meeting room, as well as office space for the following departments: Town Historian; Tax Receiver; Town Clerk; Assessor; Community Development; Code Enforcement; Building and Planning; Town Supervisor; Councilmembers; Town Attorney; Information Technology; Accounting; Human Resources; Purchasing; and other services.